Trusted and Reliable Technology Built for Innovative Practices of all Sizes
Designed with you in mind, the Optomate Practice Management & eHealth Record System will simplify your workflow for a better patient experience

The latest Optomate Touch Series, coupled with Monkey Web Services, our secure Microsoft Azure cloud platform, integrate to provide a powerful end-to-end solution.
Optomate Touch Release 2.6.5 (September 4 2024) now available
New utility allowing you to run a bulk update of Sell Prices for a Supplier.
Hoya Order Centre now in production release.
KeepSight registration date appears on exam screen.
IOP, Pachymetry and Axial Graphs appear in the [H] pop-ups.
Receive appointments SMS logic amended to treat any response beginning with a 'Y' as Yes.
Your Reference field transferred from Quote to Invoice.
VSP Ordering process moved to standard Spectacle Order screen.
Branch default comments now support rich Text Format and URL's.
When booking new appointment, the system will warn if there a forward appointment for the patient.
Deposit amount appears in Appro & VTE transactions.
Main Menu icons refreshed.
Frame, Lens & Contact Lens eCatalogues
Use Monkey Software's proprietary eCatalogue technology to securely download Frames, Lenses & Contact Lenses from leading optical suppliers.
Suppliers can update their inventory whenever they wish and Optomate will alert you when new items are available.
ProVision Members
Optomate integrates with the ProSupply ordering & ProAccounts Invoice platform.
Easily send supply and fit orders & process inventory invoices, manage stock, and generate barcodes in seconds.